1st Marking Period Syllabus
This work must all be completed by 11/11/19 for credit.
Marking Period 1
Class: USI
Periods: 2,3,5&8
The following assignments represent all of our coursework for marking period 1. Please use the study buddy system that we established in class to stay on top of missing assignments. In the event you are confused about your classwork or grades do not hesitate to inform Mr. Saunders, Mr. Blanken or Mrs. Heinrichs
HW: Please complete an assignment for the following chapters.
Quizzes: Please study terms and take a standard vocabulary assessment of the following chapters.
Project: Please complete the following projects. Explanations for projects will be provided and available on my website.
This work must all be completed by 11/11/19 for credit.
Marking Period 1
Class: USI
Periods: 2,3,5&8
The following assignments represent all of our coursework for marking period 1. Please use the study buddy system that we established in class to stay on top of missing assignments. In the event you are confused about your classwork or grades do not hesitate to inform Mr. Saunders, Mr. Blanken or Mrs. Heinrichs
HW: Please complete an assignment for the following chapters.
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4 (Road to the Revolution project job)
Quizzes: Please study terms and take a standard vocabulary assessment of the following chapters.
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4 (Road to the Revolution Projects)
Project: Please complete the following projects. Explanations for projects will be provided and available on my website.
- Binder Check: Have all of the above chapters organized by Chapter and Section. Grade is based on the following
- Outlines: all outlines for chapter are complete
- HW: all Chapter homework is complete and highlighted. You must pick two sides.
- Quiz: any quizzes that we took in class are corrected and in binder
- Binder/notebook/folder: all work must be in one of these items that is dedicated to our class.
- Road to Rev: See website for Road to Rev. project requirements.
Weekly Syllabus
Week: 11/8-11/12 Chapter 4: Road to the Revolution.
Day 1: Road to the Rev packet and project Day 10. Quiz
Day 2: Road to the Rev packet and project Day 11.
Day 3: Road to the Rev packet and project due.
Day 4: Binder Check for marking period 1.
Day 5: Binder Check for marking period 1.
Week: 11/8-11/12 Chapter 4: Road to the Revolution.
Day 1: Road to the Rev packet and project Day 10. Quiz
Day 2: Road to the Rev packet and project Day 11.
Day 3: Road to the Rev packet and project due.
Day 4: Binder Check for marking period 1.
Day 5: Binder Check for marking period 1.